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Artificial Intelligence: Liability Concerns

Written by Brody Fahr | July 13, 2023

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, it is becoming an essential part of our lives. We’re using it more and more to create ideas for work and are using it to change the way we communicate. However, along with AI’s benefits comes liability concerns that need to be considered. In this blog, you will see some of the key concerns associated with AI and the challenges that come with addressing them.

1. Bias and Discrimination

AI systems are trained on wide datasets, and the quality of the training data greatly influences their performance. If the training data contains biases or discriminatory patterns, these biases can be involuntarily learned by the AI system, creating biased and discriminatory outcomes.

2. Manipulation or Misinterpretation

AI systems are designed to perform specific projects based on the precise information given for a task. However, AI might occasionally generate consequences or engage in behavior that wasn’t intended on being used. Determining liability in cases involving AI is challenging, as the responsibility might lie with the creators of AI, users, or even the AI system itself. In the next few weeks, we will discuss AI's confidentiality, accuracy, and bias!

3. Dependence

Many AI systems operate in collaboration with human users or professionals. With the lack of human vision over any situation, AI can cause unexpected crises. Humans also risk becoming dependent on AI to run certain tasks at work and school, making creativity and originality irrelevant.

4. Legal Frameworks

Determining liability requires addressing issues of accountability and negligence within the framework of existing laws. AI is advancing so fast that the law can’t catch up with it. Current laws may be limited in their application to this technology.

As AI continues to evolve and become more frequently used, it is crucial to understand its liability concerns. Transparency, complexity, and addressing biases are crucial steps toward easing risks. As AI systems become more powerful and more used in our work, we must remain aware of its limitations and ensure we incorporate human touch to personalize the work.

The next blog in this series continues our exploration into AI and the issues to keep in mind while using it by discussing confidentiality. Be sure to check it out because you don’t want to miss it.