Agriculture Public Relations Marketing

Celebrating the Miracle Bean

1 Minute Read


ASM Promotion 2021 PRISM

November is Arkansas Soybean Month and ComGroup has a lot to celebrate! For more than a decade, ComGroup has partnered with the Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board (ASPB) to promote their mission to improve the sustainability and profitability of the soybean industry in Arkansas. As a result of our hard work and collaborative efforts, we were honored with a Prism award for our Arkansas Soybean Month promotion at the 2022 Arkansas PRSA Prism Awards.

Our work with ASPB allows us to sit down with professionals in the ag industry, experiment with soybeans at home and capture the future of the industry. All of that comes together during Arkansas Soybean Month. You can join ComGroup in celebrating by visiting ASPB’s website and getting involved. Here are three ideas to get you started:

Watch Soybean Documentaries and Videos

There are an abundance of videos available to watch on the ASPB website. Some videos focus on careers in agriculture while others dive into research, taking you through the latest in soybean innovation. You can learn about Arkansas’ soybean history while tuning into the lives of farmers, agronomists, researchers, communication specialists and others who keep agriculture moving forward.


Cook with Soybeans

The soybean is versatile and possesses many health benefits. Due to its versatility, it can be used to make a variety of dishes to complement different occasions. The ASPB website offers several easy and delicious soybean recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and snack time. Trying a soy-based recipe is a great way to celebrate and incorporate a healthy routine into your daily nutrition.


Share Your Story

If soybeans have a positive impact in your life, we want to hear about it! Sharing your story gives others the opportunity to see the different ways to engage with Arkansas Soybean Month and spark ideas of how they, too, can enjoy the many benefits of soybeans.


ComGroup is proud of our partnership with ASPB, and we hope you take the time to celebrate Arkansas Soybean Month by tackling one of these projects!

Amber Austen, Account Services Coordinator

Amber Austen, Account Services Coordinator

Amber joined ComGroup full-time after completing her internship with us. As the Account Services Coordinator, Amber helped maintain the flow around the office by managing general office tasks, client services work and providing support to the accounting department.
