Dana Rogers
Graphic Design
Client Management
Website Design
Art Direction
Social Media Content Creation
Morning Person
Enjoys music with an acoustic guitar or piano
Loves Sushi
Always wanted to visit Greece
Guilty Pleasure: Plants
Natural Peacemaker
Question & Answer
How did you get into this career field?
I got into graphics working at a small print shop when my husband was in college in Louisiana. I did production art for more than ten years before starting with an ad agency where I had the opportunity to write and design.
Describe a favorite client project:
Better Beginnings paid social media is one of my favorite monthly projects. Finding the learning moment in often humorous video scenarios with young children is a delight.
What is your most significant accomplishment as a professional?
Being hired as an art director at The Communications Group. In over three decades at ComGroup, I have been rewarded time and time again by customer and peer approval of my work — work made possible by research and sound direction from my associates and my team.
What three words would your friends use to describe you?
Sweet, generous, honest
What is a passion you have that people often don’t know about?
I am a lifelong gardener and volunteer my time with the Pulaski County Master Gardeners to deliver horticultural therapy presentations to local healthcare entities. Participants receive plant information, assistance in potting a plant they may keep and a welcome connection to nature.