Take a moment to think about your business. Maybe you have a handful of employees or hundreds in your organization who are representing your brand. When multiple people are representing a business both indirectly or directly, it's important for you brand messaging to remain consistent.
Over the last twenty years, The Communications Group has modified and shaped a tool that has equipped companies with the ability to have all members communicate a core message to various audiences. MessageMAPPING is a unique product of our agency. We’ve conducted over a hundred MessageMAPPING sessions, helping companies steer their staff and leaders through conversations.
What exactly is a MessageMAP?
When Would I Use A MessageMAP?
Schedule A Meeting
Here's How Our MessageMAP Process Work
The MessageMAPPING process takes approximately eight hours to complete, which is often split into two four hour sessions.
In cases of crisis situations, the process can be completed in a few hours.
This step focuses on collaboration and gives us a starting point for our home base message. The goal is to create a message under 40 words that can properly address any question from any audience.
A message should adjust to fit the needs and capabilities of a particular audience. A situation where stakeholders are children would yield a very different MessageMAP than one where the stakeholders are doctors or healthcare workers.
We'll challenge you to create your home base message by focusing on what the audience needs to hear versus what you want to tell them. To make sure everyone can remember the home base message, we limit jargon and create a message that is emotional, compelling, and relevant to the audience.
Once home base has been carefully crafted, it is important to go back to the questions that were written in step one and test it. During testing, it is important to make sure that home base can accurately answer every question that may come its way.
During this step, we'll actually build out your MessageMAP together. Using your home base as a starting point and considering proof points, or statements that support your home base, we'll draft your map with voice consistency and alignment.
Creating a MessageMAP is great, but it won’t work if you don’t equip your people with the knowledge of how to properly use it. In this step, it is important that we teach people some new communication habits like how we deliver messages, how to open and close remarks using home base, and how to speak with the media.
Putting Your MessageMAP In Action
- Board
- Physicians
- Leadership
- Clinic staff
- Coworkers
- All hands training
- Marketing
- Advertising
- Presentations
- News releases
- Media interviews
- Social media
- Website
- Public speaking engagements
- Emails

Frequently Asked Questions
If you have other questions, please contact us for more information.
Your organization requires many voices
communicating the same messages to stakeholders across different
platforms with a multiple outcome
objectives. Brand messaging should be consistent and communicate a clear message.
A MessageMAP is a pocket-sized document that can be easily referenced on the go, making it easy for brand representatives to communicate a clear, consistent message. Our MessageMAP defines your brand's message while making it adaptability to various audiences. Why wouldn't you want this piece of clarity and strong messaging?
As long as you need to be in control of your story – 1 day, 1 event, a campaign, a season, years – it’s up to you. However, it should be reviewed annually and updated. If used for crisis communication, your MessageMAP should be revised as soon as events change.
Our MessageMap interactive process takes about 8 hours. During this time, we need you and your team to be fully involved by sharing thoughts and ideas about your brand. These 8 hours can be completed in one day or in two days with 4 hour long sessions.
After that, please allow 2-4 weeks for our design team to put together your printable MessageMAP.
Yes, we can take care of all your printing needs to make distribution easier for you!
First and foremost, you'll gain control of your message. Besides that you'll also get:
- A re-envisioned story: powerful enough to motivate people to action.
- The MessageMAP: 11 x 17 folded map-style so that it will fit in a pocket or folio.
- Messaging that can be used internally and externally, online, in printed materials, advertisements, marketing materials, for special events, employee meetings, community campaigns, etc.
- Session facilitation with staff and/or stakeholders.
- Consensus building.
- Printed materials to distribute throughout your organization and audiences.
- Collateral handouts with custom, trackable QR codes
- Digital content for online use.
- A story well-told, a conversation started, a change in perception, positive movement.