Allyssa Andrews
2021-2022 Arkansas FFA Eastern District Vice President
Hometown: Wynne, AR
Briefly describe your role:
As a state officer for the Arkansas FFA Association, we assist in facilitating camps, workshops, attend conferences, interact with members, and hold the annual Arkansas FFA State Convention. We receive assistance through National FFA throughout the year to help better ourselves as not only state officers, but leaders.
Q: Is what you’re doing now what you always pictured you would do?
A: I didn’t get big into agriculture until my freshman year of high school. I really only joined to make my brother mad. I didn’t realize the impact Arkansas agriculture had on my life until I joined my FFA chapter at Wynne High School. I wanted to be a veterinarian up until my 11th grade year of high school. I attended National FFA Convention in Indianapolis and was in awe. There I found my calling to be a teacher. That was the turning point of my future.
Q: What do you see as the greatest challenges for women in your chosen industry? What are the greatest opportunities?
A: The challenges for women aren’t as abundant as before. I feel like we are getting to a day where men are beginning to see that we aren’t meant to be behind a stove 24/7. I feel like more and more women are getting into the agricultural field and they are thriving more than before.
Q: Who has inspired you in your life/career?
A: I don’t think there is just one person who has inspired me. I feel like it is a few different people and larger groups. My biggest inspirations are my family members. From my mom pushing me to my aunt holding my hand to my grandparents being there for everything. It takes a village and they are the backbone. My ag teachers—Hillmon Davis and Eddie Hendrix—along with Jerry Harvey from Wynne High School have pushed me to be the best leader I could possibly be. But with these behind the scenes people I would not be here if it wasn’t for previous State Officers. From Brady Gentry to Dawsyn Smith and Raven Randolph to Anna Mathis and Julie Griffin to Sarah Thomas. These people do not realize how much they inspired me.
Q: What advice would you give to an aspiring professional?
A: Find something to set your eyes to and don’t look away until you get there.
Q: What’s been your secret to success?
A: Never giving up!