Fredricka Sharkey

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Fredricka Sharkey - WIN

Fredricka Sharkey

Director of Media Relations

Briefly describe your role:

As the Director of Media Relations at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA), I see myself as one of the voices that help tell the university's story. My job involves highlighting the incredible work of our faculty, students, and the broader university community.

Q: What motivates you to achieve success in your career?

A: I'm motivated by the opportunity to share the great stories coming out of UCA. Being part of a progressive and growing institution and connecting with the amazing work of our faculty and students really drives me to succeed.

Q: What led you to your career path?

A: I initially pursued a career in journalism, believing that it would be my lifelong profession. However, life circumstances led me to transition out of journalism. I overcame this shift by earning a master's degree in communications management and engaging in professional development, which eventually brought me to work in higher education.

Q: What has been a defining moment in your career?

A: One defining moment in my career was the launch of the UCA Commitment, a debt-free pathway program for students. The excitement and success of the program's announcement, with a strong turnout and media coverage, stand out as a significant achievement for me.

Q: What advice do you have for women in your field?

A: My advice to women is to be true to yourself and take care of your own needs. While networking and having a support system are important, it's crucial to stay authentic and attentive to your own well-being.



The WIN Podcast aims to learn from and honor women across industries.
