Michelle Barnes

2 Minute Read
Dr. Riva Brown - WIN

Michelle Barnes

Founder/Executive Director

Hometown: Strong, AR

Briefly describe your role: I lead the organization in strategic planning, program development & management, fundraising, and community engagement.

Q: Is what you’re doing now what you always pictured you would do?

A: Not at all! When I graduated high school, I wanted to become a journalist. Many years and many forks in the road later, I'm a nonprofit leader.

Q: What do you see as the greatest challenges for women in your chosen industry? What are the greatest opportunities?

A: In my opinion, the challenge for women in nonprofit leadership is being received (not perceived) by supporters, colleagues, and the community as compassionate and tough. This combination can be a shock to the senses in professional environments. However, we do this work because it's personal to us. On the other end, we are able to sustain this work because we're firm leaders with business minds. We are used to hearing "no," working long hours, doing the manual labor, and making the tough decisions. Someone once told me in this field you have to worry about the taxes and the toilet paper. Truer words have never been spoken. The greatest opportunity is to build community and make a difference in the lives of the people we serve. Despite the obstacles, I remain dedicated to our mission. Women bring unique perspectives, passion, and determination to the nonprofit sector, making us a powerful force for a brighter future.

Q: Who has inspired you in your life/career?

A: So many women. I hope to give flowers to most of them in the episode. My mother is number one. She raised me to be a person who cares for others and moves with integrity. She was a Capricorn, so working hard and earning money was also an absolute expectation for my brother and me. I have been very blessed to have many family members, friends, and mentors to build on the foundation my mother set.

Q: What advice would you give to an aspiring professional?

A: First, treat people with respect—even when they don't give it to you. Consistency in how you give respect and fairness will bond your character in your community. I will also say be open to learning from others and be adaptable. Keep your ears open for wisdom. Sometimes we put unnecessary weight on ourselves as leaders to always have the right plan or know all of the answers to all of the questions. No, leading is also cultivating the ideas and talents from the team(s) that work alongside us. Sometimes they have the answer, and we don't. Our work is a team effort.

Q: What's been the secret to success?

A: Trial and error. We have to move with the times while staying true to our mission and values. It is a difficult balance. Real Images is not where it was 10 years ago. We've shifted programming and events based on our capacity and what is happening in our community. These decisions were not made lightly, but I'm very proud of where we are today—with much more room to grow!



The WIN Podcast aims to learn from and honor women across industries.
