Women in Industry | Female Business Podcast | The Communications Group

Paige Rene

Written by Podcast | March 5, 2025

Paige Rene

Executive Performance & Branding Coach

Hometown: Fayetteville, AR

Briefly describe your role:

A: I help women combine their magic and mechanics to reach the top of their
industry through tools from the Enneagram and extensive collegiate athletic experience.

Q: Is what you’re doing now what you always pictured you would do?

A: Absolutely! When I moved to Fayetteville, Arkansas in September of 2015, I knew I wanted to work in a job where I felt a "fire burn in my belly." At the time, I knew that feeling from playing softball in college. So I took a leap of faith to join the University of Arkansas softball program as Director of Operations. I knew I didn't want to be a softball coach but I thought I'd be interested in an Athletic Director position. During my time at the UofA, I realized my passion was rooted in behavior and leading people from Point A (current state) to Point B (future goals). I started my work with athletes in elite mental training and then moved into business coaching and now executive performance coaching. I took my business full-time in August 2022 and it's been both terrifying and a dream come true.

Q: What do you see as the greatest challenges for women in your chosen industry? What are the greatest opportunities?

A: Women that I work with are challenged with a variety of personal and professional elements. In the professional world, they want to put their heads down and do a great job in their role; however, they miss opportunities to strategically position themselves for their next role or for more leadership positions. This often comes from limiting
confidence, self-belief and lack of delegation. Personally, women are challenged with balancing dating or home life and their career aspirations. The greatest opportunity all of these women have is their mindset and perspective. Once they realize their unique "magic" or gifts, experience and zone of genius, they can use that to drive their "mechanics" (behavior and the way they spend their time).

Q: Who has inspired you in your life/career?

A: Growing up in a 5,000 person town, I didn't know anyone who was an entrepreneur, let alone a woman. I was always drawn to powerful women in the athletic space and I felt natural in leadership positions. When I started exploring Life Coaching, I followed online coaches who inspired me from Lindsay Mango to Brooke Castillo to Amanda Frances to Niyc Pidgeon. These people were running their own businesses exactly how I aspired to run mine eventually. I started filling my social media feed with women like this and I paid attention to how they spent their time and their behaviors. At the same time, I watched how Arkansas Softball Head Coach Courtney Deifel managed being a head coach, a mom and a wife and was always inspired by her high morals and devotion to her people.

Q: What advice would you give to an aspiring professional?

A: 1. Find a mentor and meet with them regularly 2. Re-evaluate your time: from who you're spending time with to what you're doing with that time to make sure it all aligns with your vision 3. Make your vision and goals clear and keep them visible at all times

Q: What's been the secret to success?

A: My success is from my athletics career. When you spend your life in a sport where you find "success" 3 out of 10 plate appearances (on average), you are forced to move through failure quickly and take what you need to learn from each opportunity. If I have to share another reason for my success, it's my relentlessness. I was very independent from a young age and didn't have a "plan B" financially for most of my life so I was always "all in" on whatever I chose to do.