
Sunni Wise

2 Minute Read


Sunni Wise - WIN

Sunni Wise

Program Advisor at the Department of Education in the Division of Career and Technical Education / Arkansas FFA Executive Secretary

Hometown: Bismarck, AR

Briefly describe your role:
As the Southern District Program Advisor, I support over 50 agriculture programs. I assist with coordinating professional development for our teachers, implementing state guidance, and serving as a resource for educators across Arkansas. Additionally, I serve as the Arkansas FFA Executive Secretary, managing our state officer team and developing conferences and curriculum. My work involves traveling with the officer team and engaging with National FFA to keep our members and advisors informed.

Q: Is what you’re doing now what you always pictured you would do?

A: I didn’t always picture this career. I didn’t grow up with an agriculture background but always loved the idea of becoming a vet. However, after realizing the impact I could have on students' lives while still supporting agriculture, I decided to pursue a career as an Agriculture Educator. As a state officer, I witnessed the importance of state staff in shaping Arkansas Ag Ed and FFA, and I wanted to be a part of that change.

Q: What do you see as the greatest challenges for women in your chosen industry? What are the greatest opportunities?

A: The agriculture industry has traditionally been male-dominated. The greatest challenge for women is the struggle to demonstrate the value we bring to the table. Fortunately, I’ve seen a positive shift in recent years, with more women recognizing their place in the industry. The greatest opportunity in agriculture is the vast number of career opportunities available—new roles emerge every year, allowing women to make a meaningful impact in agriculture.

Q: Who has inspired you in your life/career?

A: My greatest inspirations are my high school agriculture educators and Arkansas FFA. My ag teachers were the first to help me realize my potential, and Arkansas FFA played a major role in my personal growth and leadership development.

Q: What advice would you give to an aspiring professional?

A: My advice is to find your purpose and fuel your passion. Once you find what you love, it won’t feel like work. It’s incredibly rewarding to make a difference in the lives of others while doing something you truly enjoy. If you’re unsure of your direction, take the time you need to discover your purpose. Once you do, go after it with everything you’ve got.

Q: What’s been your secret to success?

A: Support and connections have been key to my success. I’ve been fortunate to have a network of encouragers and connectors who have supported me throughout my journey. Agriculture is an industry full of valuable relationships, and I wouldn’t be where I am without those who believed in my potential and helped push me toward success.



The WIN Podcast aims to learn from and honor women across industries.
